The Powerful Name Of Jesus
The Powerful Name Of Jesus
The powerful name of Jesus is a potent force for the release of miracles. That is why Mark 16:17 says, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils…” This means that at its invocation, in faith, wonderful things are bound to happen. During His earthly ministry and till date evil men, demons, sickness and disease are all subject to his name. At His presence demons cried out His name and left their victims. Before His ascension, He gave the authority to use the name to command the supernatural to His disciples.
Many think that the name of Jesus is a mere pause in prayer or just a way of honouring Him in our prayers. Much as the name performs wonders, most importantly, the name provides a trigger of the manifestation of all that characterize that name. “They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”. (Mark 16:18), all in that name.
The name of Jesus provides a covering for every result you want to produce in any area of your life. It is the invocation of the name by faith that releases divine intervention in your direction. Any day you feel pains and weaknesses, don’t panic, simply place your hands on your body and invoke that powerful name in faith. Say something like this: “I rebuke every weakness and pains in my body” in the name of Jesus. “I receive strength and healing”. Hallelujah! His name is the masker key to every door you want to open.
Peter and John were going to the temple at the hour of prayer. They met a man lame from birth who lay at the gate of the temple daily. When he saw Peter and John, he asked for alms. Instead of tossing some coins, they said to him: “Look on us… silver and gold have I none; but such as I have, give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk… and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood and walked… (Acts 3:4, 6-8)
There is power in the name of Jesus and it can only produce for us when we use it in faith. Every sickness that has a name bows to that name, be it leukemia, arthritis, cancer and others. You don’t beg with the name, you reign with the name. You can destroy any issue confronting your redemptive package with that name, when you apply it in faith. Faith in the name is what propels its efficacy. Peter simply pressed the trigger and the miracle was instant.
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the price of peace”. (Isaiah 9:6)
Isaiah’s prophecy outlined certain qualities which the name should manifest. First, it’s a wonder working name, when we invoke it in faith. His name will cause any sign to become manifest. Just like He said, “whatsoever, ye ask in my name, that will I do”. (See John 14:13). This is to say, that no matter how impossible it seems, it will surely come to pass, when the name is used in faith. Nothing is impossible to those who know the power in that name. Whatever report you have received from the doctor will become irrelevant and you don’t need to cry, because of your situation.
Secondly, at the name of Jesus, counsel is released, showing you the right path to follow. Counsel is an integral element of wisdom, and you need wisdom to manifest your son-ship. Greatness is achieved by counsel. The name equally releases might – He is the mighty God. The might of God is displayed when we invoke his name. Health comes out in place of sickness; life comes in place of death. Joy, strength comes in place of sorrow and weakness. Likewise, the name of Jesus manifests the eternal nature of God. It is the release of the life force of God that makes living in divine health possible for believers.
God’s nature is in the supernatural – It’s divine. At the invocation of the name, there is a manifestation that makes the supernatural a cheap, possibility. Invocation of the name of Jesus compels peace, which is a requirement for living a healthy life. He is the prince of peace and calling on His name establishes peace in the spirit, soul and body.
If you have been blessed, don't be a selfish believer by not sharing this post.
Excerpt from The Healing School
The powerful name of Jesus is a potent force for the release of miracles. That is why Mark 16:17 says, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils…” This means that at its invocation, in faith, wonderful things are bound to happen. During His earthly ministry and till date evil men, demons, sickness and disease are all subject to his name. At His presence demons cried out His name and left their victims. Before His ascension, He gave the authority to use the name to command the supernatural to His disciples.
Many think that the name of Jesus is a mere pause in prayer or just a way of honouring Him in our prayers. Much as the name performs wonders, most importantly, the name provides a trigger of the manifestation of all that characterize that name. “They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”. (Mark 16:18), all in that name.
The name of Jesus provides a covering for every result you want to produce in any area of your life. It is the invocation of the name by faith that releases divine intervention in your direction. Any day you feel pains and weaknesses, don’t panic, simply place your hands on your body and invoke that powerful name in faith. Say something like this: “I rebuke every weakness and pains in my body” in the name of Jesus. “I receive strength and healing”. Hallelujah! His name is the masker key to every door you want to open.
Peter and John were going to the temple at the hour of prayer. They met a man lame from birth who lay at the gate of the temple daily. When he saw Peter and John, he asked for alms. Instead of tossing some coins, they said to him: “Look on us… silver and gold have I none; but such as I have, give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk… and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood and walked… (Acts 3:4, 6-8)
There is power in the name of Jesus and it can only produce for us when we use it in faith. Every sickness that has a name bows to that name, be it leukemia, arthritis, cancer and others. You don’t beg with the name, you reign with the name. You can destroy any issue confronting your redemptive package with that name, when you apply it in faith. Faith in the name is what propels its efficacy. Peter simply pressed the trigger and the miracle was instant.
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the price of peace”. (Isaiah 9:6)
Isaiah’s prophecy outlined certain qualities which the name should manifest. First, it’s a wonder working name, when we invoke it in faith. His name will cause any sign to become manifest. Just like He said, “whatsoever, ye ask in my name, that will I do”. (See John 14:13). This is to say, that no matter how impossible it seems, it will surely come to pass, when the name is used in faith. Nothing is impossible to those who know the power in that name. Whatever report you have received from the doctor will become irrelevant and you don’t need to cry, because of your situation.
Secondly, at the name of Jesus, counsel is released, showing you the right path to follow. Counsel is an integral element of wisdom, and you need wisdom to manifest your son-ship. Greatness is achieved by counsel. The name equally releases might – He is the mighty God. The might of God is displayed when we invoke his name. Health comes out in place of sickness; life comes in place of death. Joy, strength comes in place of sorrow and weakness. Likewise, the name of Jesus manifests the eternal nature of God. It is the release of the life force of God that makes living in divine health possible for believers.
God’s nature is in the supernatural – It’s divine. At the invocation of the name, there is a manifestation that makes the supernatural a cheap, possibility. Invocation of the name of Jesus compels peace, which is a requirement for living a healthy life. He is the prince of peace and calling on His name establishes peace in the spirit, soul and body.
If you have been blessed, don't be a selfish believer by not sharing this post.
Excerpt from The Healing School
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